



N达勒姆.H.-不喜欢修剪草坪? 好消息是,少割草可能对环境更好. 减少你在院子里开割草机的次数, 被称为“低潮”, 能帮助减少碳排放吗, build soil organic matter and even enhance pollinating habitats for bees.

“People may not think the small ecosystem in their own yard - the grass, soil and vegetation – is that important to the health of the whole planet,亚历山德拉·康托斯塔说, UNH地球系统研究中心的研究助理教授. “但是采取重要的小步骤, 比如不经常割草, can have a big impact on things like carbon storage and carbon emissions which can influence climate change.”

想成为一个“懒惰的割草机”? Contosta, who has done research on low mow options as well as carbon storage in the backyards of New England cities, 提供以下建议:

  • 每两周修剪一次 -少割草可以让草坪自然开花, 像三叶草和蒲公英, 为蜜蜂提供重要的花蜜, which are in decline and perform vital ecosystem services such as the pollination of food crops.
  • 尝试一个“禁止进入”的区域 -适用于较大的船厂, 考虑创建一个切割较少的区域, 或者根本没有, providing time savings as well as a beneficial habitat for butterflies. This can be useful for hard to mow areas or parts of the property that are not utilized.
  • 让耙子歇一歇 - skip raking grass clippings - returning them to the soil provides high-quality, carbon-rich leaf litter that organisms can break down and store in soil organic matter. This keeps the carbon out of the atmosphere, where it contributes to warming temperatures.
  • 拿剪刀,而不是链锯 - pruning trees rather than cutting them down helps store carbon rather than release it into the atmosphere. 如果你需要砍一棵树,试着换一棵.
  • 让邻居参与进来 – propose no and low mow months on your block (in the early spring or late fall), create a community garden and in the fall transform leaves into valuable mulch.

Mowing less also means less emissions, decreasing a household’s carbon footprint. 低成本的方法是经济的, practical and a timesaving alternative to replacing a 法律n or even planting pollinating flower gardens. 研究人员表示,如果低工资越来越被社会所接受, 这可能是一个用更少的钱为环境做更多事情的好方法.

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